
Blog Post 2: Outline

Hello everyone and welcome back! Here is my story for this semester


Main Character/Protagonist = Faye, a high schooler who wants revenge against her bullies. A studious wallflower in her school, she has a mischievous streak and is good at getting her way

Bullies = people who have bullied Faye for her eyes.

Law 12 teacher = Faye’s law 12 teacher, sympathetic to Faye but other than that that, doesn’t do anything about Faye being bullied.

Point of Attack/Problem:
Faye wants to get revenge on her bullies, but she also doesn’t want to get in trouble for it.

Rising Action/obstacles that stand in the way of the lead character to reach their goals:

  1. Rising Action One – Faye plots and carefully makes sure to submit all her work last minute, to lessen the possibility of it being checked/reviewed before presenting and getting caught before her revenge. The teacher does not check it and is completely unaware of Faye’s plot.
  2. Rising Action Two – Faye presents to her class, the students burst into laughter and the teacher is mortified.

Faye needs to convince the teacher to lessen/lighten her punishment. She talks about her relationship with the bullies to the teacher with a generous amount of tears and apologies.

Falling Action/The new reality:

Faye gets away with just needing a redo, and is otherwise unpenalized.

Faye encounters her bullies once again, but instead of bullying her, this time they shiver and look away.

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to expanding more on the story.

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